Our Objective

To promote underwater photography, provide opportunities for divers to nurture photography skills, and increase marine environmental appreciation to all through this medium.’ 

// Action for CLUBS

In January 2010, a small group of divers with an avid passion for underwater photography began meeting regularly to share their images, in-camera and photo editing skills. 
Interest grew and Snappers’ Underwater Photography Inc was formed in March 2012. 

We continue to grow – mentoring, learning and sharing, while having fun. 
Who knows what each photographer can achieve with their acquired skills, and the group’s support.

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Antartica Diving – Guest Speaker September Meeting

Snappers September 11th Meeting

Special guest speaker –   Erika Berzins  – DIVING ANTARTICA

Erika is an experienced scuba diver whose dream was to one day dive in Antartica. So she organised the trip of a lifetime for her special birthday.

Please come along for this special presentation by Erika who will explain the training and planning she did to make this incredible trip a reality.

She will take us on a photo/video and narrative journey to the cold and spectacular regions where few have dived before.

by Kate Tinson, September 1, 2018